The work on the mega. version has now finished. The keyboard is a 3 piece keyboard, PCB will be designed by Yiancar.

Our goal with this keyboard is to create a 65% keyboard made from aluminium, supporting QMK, Hot-Swap and RGB for a great price. This will allow newcomers to the community to have a go-to keyboard with a 65% layout without breaking the bank.





Got questions? Ask away.

The keyboard should be coming in the end of December. I would like to thank you all for the support and the long wait. We are excited and have been using the keyboard mega. prototype for 5 months now without an issue. Yiancar has been a great support, thanks to all input from everyone in the community, as well as the criticism that it is taking too long!

Some info that may not have been posted on the product page –

ISO is coming, yeah… Give it another month and a half.

RGB per LED is programmable using QMK. PCB uses ATMEGA32.

Anything else?

Its all been rather crazy to be honest. The dates we had mentioned and said would be held for meant and we had nver expected to run into issues time and time again.
Manufacturing of the mega had been done since start of November, but the Packaging manufacturers had proven to be challenging to work with. It ended up taking until the last days of January to manufacture the custom packaging for Mega, making us miss the shipping slot we had booked, twice. By the time it was done the earliest slot we received was start of march.
So the situation right now is: everything is on its way to us right now! Arrival end of march.
— First week of April we would like to open for orders.

April –

German bureaucracy is killing us, we are waiting for some legal paper work for the German tax system to come in before being allowed to open for orders…. Its been requested many weeks ago so it really should be coming in any day now.

All Parts, all Packaging, absolutely everything arrived last day of March, we have set up everything and only waiting on the stated paperwork.

Sorry guys, we are really trying here and we value you all who are waiting eagerly to get your own Mega.

MEGA. is now In-Stock from 24th May. Go Check out our fullscreen configurator and let us know your thought and ideas in the comments here!

In-Stock alongside are also our gorgeous stackable Trays in both high and low versions that are perfectly colour matched to the Mega.


  • ray2 years ago

    are the 3 front facing LEDs RGB? or do they just emit white light? if they’re RGB how do i go about changing their colors in QMK?

    • Keebwerk2 years ago

      they are not rgb sorry :/

  • Cypekrown2 years ago

    May i ask when e-white would come out? and will there be a v2 with all the issues fixed that were mentioned in reviews made regarding this board? thank you in advance!

    • Keebwerk2 years ago

      no e-white just yet.
      So we actually released new 1.5mm plates that fixed most of the criticism that we got. Alu and PC is available in the configurator.

      • Morgan2 years ago

        I’m loving my blue 65, but would be into buying an e-white or red case extra, just to be able to mix it up sometimes.

  • Finn2 years ago

    Any compatible PCBs? I like the form factor but instead of 3 1u mods next to space I’d like to have 2x 1.5u 🙂

    • Keebwerk2 years ago

      sorry no :/ only the custom pcb is compatible

  • Rui Mendes3 years ago

    Hi all,

    Any news on the ISO version?

    Thanks in advance and keep up the good work

    • Keebwerk3 years ago

      ISO is being manufactured in the second batch. We are looking to sell out the first batch soon, estimating second batch now for summer time period but its really hard to tell.

  • Erunn3 years ago

    Hi! Discovered this great case today, and I’m thrilled!

    Any news on the ISO options?

    I’m form Europe, and this board has the looks and I’m excited to be able to use ISO!

    Thanks in advance.

    • Keebwerk3 years ago

      thanks! glad you like it!
      ISO is being manufactured in the second batch. We are looking to sell out the first batch soon, estimating second batch now for summer time period but its really hard to tell.

  • Justin3 years ago

    Guys, ur board is looking insanly good!
    Cant wait to see and hear a typing test of it.
    I will probably order one of those too.
    Good Work!

    • Keebwerk3 years ago

      going out to reviewers soon.

      • J John3 years ago

        Been over 2 months now since release and still not a single review. Red flag?

        It’s hard to believe enthusiasts in this community don’t have the time or the know how to put a simple typing test video.

        • Keebwerk3 years ago

          there were a couple of streamed reviews, but the boards are going out to reviewers in the next weeks. Case foam is being added as standard, plate foam as extra and then there will be reviews online.

          • J John3 years ago

            Shame this board was such a flop, had high hopes, sincerely. Still not a single review posted… The twitch streams we’re a complete joke.

            Hope you guys learn from this experience. It’s ok to eat the cost of getting boards out to reviewers if it will help public perception.

          • Keebwerk3 years ago

            sorry this comment was not logged in my system, active now.
            No flop from what I can see…
            We have had multiple boards out with reviwers for 4 months now, sadly so far only 1 has managed to make a video about it, and only recently.
            link is here:

  • Paul Murphy3 years ago

    What stabilizers work in the Mega. ?

    • Keebwerk3 years ago

      MX, C3 and Durock V1

  • J John3 years ago

    Starting to think this board doesn’t even exist. Zero reviews and it’s now been over a month and two weeks since release.

    Quite a shame, board looked like it had potential.

    • Keebwerk3 years ago

      Board exists and is being delivered. Cant control who buys and it and if they review it or not.
      But we are working on getting reviews from known reviewers now.

  • Dave3 years ago

    Does the blue fit with GMK Avanguardia as well as it looks like in the renders or is it a different shade of blue IRL?

    • Keebwerk3 years ago

      if you mean the render in instagram then no, that specific render has a different colour on the mega for illustrational purposes. The Blue you can buy is more of a Navy Blue.

  • chayut trakunsaengratsmee3 years ago

    what is the total weight for brass weight built?

    • Keebwerk3 years ago

      looking at around 2kg

  • Tim3 years ago

    Was my comment deleted?

    Are there any reviews yet? Typing test? Build video?

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      Hi Tim,
      nope they arent deleted but sent for “moderation” because there are a lot of spam bots around and those buts usually dont write the nicest stuff…

      There arent yet, first boards have just gone out to customers and we are working on getting boards out to reviewers.

  • Tim3 years ago


    are there any videos of this board around? Has anyone ever reviewed the Mega?

  • Sascha3 years ago

    Hey, will the blue/greenish color option that can be seen on one of your instagram pictures ( be available in the future or was it just for rendering purposes?

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      hey, no sorry this will not be manufactured. It was only to represent GMK Hammerhead.

  • Michel M.3 years ago

    Uhh, sorry to be this frank, but should we still be expecting something here?
    I (and hopefully most of us here) get, that logistics and aquisition of reccources aren’t exactly trivial these days and I still check this side regularly in hope for an update every few days-week, but this project has already been delayed a few times, the “final time” of the first week of April was like 6-7 weeks ago and your Instagram hasn’t been updated in quiete a while now either.
    While breaking bad news about a delay is difficult, especially if it isn’t the first time, it is still highly preferred over not getting any updates at all. Of course you don’t “owe” us any updates, as long as we haven’t invested any money into the project, but please consider, that the people here may be emotionally invested and eagerly wainting for a sign of life.

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      Hi Michel,

      I can understand where you are coming
      Everything has been nuts and the frustration we have had in trying to launch but then kept being pushed back down was crazy. Every update and every timeframe we had committed too was always 100% meant to be correct, all delays were unexpected.
      Mega is coming, and Mega is coming in the next days. Nothing is holding us up anymore now. We are very excited, stay tuned.
      thanks for the kind and critical words and your continued support!

  • N Q3 years ago

    Any update on when it will drop? Would love to get this in time for my bday this June!

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      that wont be a problem at all 😉

  • miigou3 years ago

    Hi, do you have an update about the ISO version? Will it drop before early june?

    Great work <3

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      Hi, Not just yet sorry. We are making it with the second batch of megas. So once we sellout the second batch is orderred, then it will include ISO.

  • miigou3 years ago

    Hi, will there be an option to order switches and caps with?

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      switches will be optional but no caps. Best to get those from Candykeys and we organise to ship together as we work closely together.

  • Stefan A3 years ago

    Will we be able to buy the ISO PCB and plates seperately later on, if we buy the ANSI version when it gets in stock? I’m waaaay too impatient to wait for the ISO, so I might end up buying both versions if seperate PCB and plate sales won’t happen. Can’t wait for the launch!

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      Yes Sir, will be made available! Second batch of production with have ISO

      • Matthias Puchner3 years ago

        When is the ETA for the second batch?

        • Julien Powell3 years ago

          unsure, we are ordering it once we sell out of first batch or or when we know how demand is and when we will sell out.

  • Hunter3 years ago

    Do you have an emailing list to be notified when the Mega becomes available?

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      You can sign up for our newsletter, but best is to follow us in Instagram, updates are posted there first.

  • Kenny3 years ago

    When is the Mega coming out?

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      First week of april should be the final time now — its shipping to us right now

  • J C3 years ago

    Hi, is there any update on the status of this keyboard? It has been a while since the last update, and I am looking forward to it.

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      Just updated 🙂

  • Christian4 years ago

    Any updates on the release date?

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      just posted an update here 🙂

  • Jay4 years ago

    Hi, is there any update on the schedule? The web stated mid of Jan for the start. I was wondering when the mega will be available. Thanks.

    • Julien Powell3 years ago

      first week of april, just posted an update.

  • Mikkel S4 years ago

    Hey Julien,

    Still excited – can you please share an update? Would be appreciated.

  • Joe Westwell4 years ago


    How are we looking? I’m thinking that we’re just on the cusp of seeing that configurator!

    Thanks for the amazing work, can’t wait to see this board!

  • Woover4 years ago

    Hi! Updates? I can’t wait !!!!!

    • Jonathan Mohr4 years ago

      Same, completely hyped !!! 🙂

  • Marc Zwiegela4 years ago

    can you give us a new release date as I read somewhere in the comments,that it should have been released the last few days. Is ISO version still planned to be comming a month after ANSI?
    Can’t wait to have it in my hand someday. Looks like the perfect board for me.

    • Julien Powell4 years ago

      the virus situation has postponed manufacturing a few weeks. We are looking at end of April to mid May now. Yes ISO is still planned for roughly 1month after. Production times have increased too though so it could be 6-7 weeks as opposed to 4.
      Hope to deliver to you soon!

  • Fred4 years ago

    1.25U Alt and 1U AltGr doesn’t make much sense though. Hate it on every board that has that layout. AltGr is much more important. If one of those keys has to suffer it should be Alt.

  • Ati4 years ago

    Well I guess we wont be seeing this anytime soon. No update, no date, I understand the whole process is very complex. It just would be great to hear from you every now and then, even if it means another delay.

    Just keep us updated, when can we await some news, a product page with details, or sale even.

    Give us a statement please.

    Thank you.

    • Keenan Chung4 years ago

      did you not read the march update above?

      • Ati4 years ago

        HI. That was added after my comment, I already did. Bad timing, and since the crisis will take some time, no idea when we will see kits ready for shipping.

        • Julien Powell4 years ago

          Hi Ati,

          yes it is bad timing indeed. We cant give a date at the moment but are trying our best to organize everything.
          Thanks for your continued support!

          • Ati4 years ago

            Hello Julien.
            No worries, hope for the best.
            The fact that when I was searching for something similar and found you, in EU, is a small miracle in my mind anyway. Im with you all the way, dedicated. Hopefully this year, christmas comes early 😀

            Keeb us posted, and stay safe.

  • David Hockey4 years ago

    Will there be color options to match previous colorways of the nano? I would be very interested in purchasing one if this is the case. Also, I have tried contacting the company twice in regards to the anodizing of the nano. bento. I look forward to your response!

    • Julien Powell4 years ago

      Final Colours of the Mega are being released in the next days. It wont be matching the nano Bento as this was unique in its colour scheme but they should be getting close to the normal nano colours.

  • vinz4 years ago

    Is it delayed? No february update

    • Julien Powell4 years ago

      Sadly yes, component manufacturing and shipping constraints in Asia have pushed it back just a few weeks.

  • Mikkel4 years ago

    Guys, how are we doing? I am so excited for this!
    – how soon after ANSI layout do you expect ISO?

  • Mikkel4 years ago

    Any news?

  • ~Bullets4 years ago


  • Steffen5 years ago


    Habe ich das richtig verstanden, das Ganze wird kein Group Buy sein, stattdessen wird es (wie bei Nano) einen Konfigurator geben und die Bestandteile sind tatsächlich bereits auf Lager und versandbereit? Und gibt es eigentlich einen ungefähren Zeitpunkt zu dem ANSI und danach ISO Varianten verfügbar sein werden?

    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      Hi Steffen,
      Ja genau, den Konfigurator wird es erst geben wenn wir alle Bauteile vor Ort haben und auch Tatsächlich bauen und Ausliefern können. Aus dem Nano haben wir schließlich gelernt 😉 die ISO Variante sollte ca. 1 Monat nach dem ANSI kommen.

      • Steffen5 years ago

        Hi Julien,
        besten Dank für die schnelle Rückmeldung! 🙂
        Und gibt es für die ANSI Version einen ungefähren Zeitpunkt oder wollt ihr dazu lieber nichts sagen, nachdem ihr die Pläne schon häufiger ändern musstet?

        Ich bin auf jeden Fall schon sehr gespannt auf das Board und die Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten. Der Blogeintrag liest sich schon extrem verlockend bei so viel Detailliebe (Padding für die Plate, wow!).

        Ebenso gespannt bin ich bereits auf die tacit Switches – hoffentlich kommen sie bald an ♥

        • Julien Powell5 years ago

          Hi Steffen,
          wir planen mitte Febraur, genauer kann ich momentan selber nicht sagen, aber alle Teile werden momentan Produziert.
          Freut mich das du ganz gespannt darauf bist, wir auch!

  • Ati5 years ago


    I am getting the rest of things ordered before the .mega is available and was wondering what kind and size of stabilizers will fit the board? What kind will be included? I am trying to make sure they will be quiet from factory or after modding since I am buidling as silent as I can(with Aqua Zilent V2).



    Thank you.

    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      sounds like a good build, all stabilisers will be from Cherry.
      By the way you will have the option to customize your Mega. with our new Silent Tacit switches as well!

      • Ati5 years ago


        Good to know, can you please share the stab sizes as well?

        Ive seen the tacit, it is really interesting and I might buy a bunch in the future, but since this is my first build I prefer the Zilents for now.

        Thank you.

        • Ati5 years ago

          I would like to know if the stabilizers are screw in, plate mount or pcb mount. Is the spacebar 6.25u or 7u?

          Thank you

          • Julien Powell5 years ago

            Stabs are pcb mount, spacebar is 6.25u.

  • Koniotaur5 years ago

    I’ve been following this for ages now it seems, will someday there be an non hot swap pcb available?

    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      We are planning this yes! Cant tell you when though, getting the hotswap out is priority. Hope to update you soon

      • Koniotaur5 years ago

        This is some great news, are you planning on expanding tops as well? Wkl or wk maybe?

      • Koniotaur5 years ago

        And what about expanding this further some day with maybe wkl or wk top?

  • Matteo5 years ago

    You guys really do amazing work at such a low price point on all your products.

    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      thanks so much! really appreciate the support!

  • Alex5 years ago

    Any Eta for the keyboard and the tacit switches? I suppose q2 next year if we are lucky?

    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      It will be earlier! Mid February is realistic now. All components are currently being manufactured!
      The Tacit Switches are in transit and launching in the next days!

  • lord eilertsen5 years ago

    “The colors are probably set now, black, silver, blue, a darker green and then a unique red. Colors will be expanded on fast. MORE news is that we also will be selling the ANSI plates before the ISO ones come because the ISO ones require more time”

    Does this mean we wont be able to order this with an ISO layout until a later time? I have been waiting _a while_ for this now and am wondering what to do…

    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      All parts are currently being manufactured and mid February is realistic now but yes ANSI first. ISO should follow 1 month later!

  • Alex5 years ago

    Any ETA from configurator going life over production to arrival of shipped orders`for the mega keyboard? Also nice to know for the tacit switches. I go on a limp and say not 2019 anymore, b ut is late q1 or early q2 2020 realistic?

    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      All components are being manufactured as we speak! Products pages are currently being worked on. Mid February seems is realistic now!

      • Ati5 years ago

        I have created an appointment in my calendar for the 13th of February.

        Will check back every now and then, will there be an option to reserve/pre-order a kit ? I would very much like to do so.

        Thank you.

        • Julien Powell5 years ago

          sounds good, no we wont be doing preorders or reservations. We will launch the Mega on social media though, so you will know when it comes online as long as you are following us!

  • Tekilashot5 years ago

    Rose gold and purple for the next color please

    • Julien Powell5 years ago


  • Sebastian Frosch5 years ago

    Hi Folks,

    wenn ich das richtig verstehe wird es auch eine deutsche Version geben?! Wird es wie beim Nano eine Option mit einer durchsichtigen Grundplatte und Beleuchtung geben?


    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      Guten Tag!

      Ja, die Tastatur kommt mit ISO-DE Weiss und Schwarz Tasten von GMK als Config. Option falls jemmand DE Tasten sucht.

  • Niklas W5 years ago

    Is there a updated landing date or new progress to share? Very interested in this keeb, looking forward for the launch!

    Keeb up the good work!

    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      We will post a update tonight!

  • Marco Fonseca5 years ago

    About the keycaps kit. For the ISO user it will most appreciated that it includes ALL the extra keys for those different layouts – DE, UK, Portuguese, Spanish, French, NOR and so on. As a reference example the INTERNATIONAL KIT option from GRANITE KEYSET has all the goodies. It is by far the most comprehensive international set I am aware of.

    You may then consider selling the bulk of keycaps as single option order or as a core set plus an extra optional set for the less common layouts.

    Please share your thoughts about this will you?


    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      Hey Marco,

      We are working to make a INTL kit with a WoB GMK kit as standard. We are aware there are so many GBs running that it would make no sense to bring something even newer in as most customers of this keyboard will probably already have a set that they prefer more. So we will be sitting around with WOB and some cool Mods or colored caps to let you guys customize it how you need. Thank you for your feedback.

      • Marco Fonseca5 years ago

        ThkU for your input. As far as I saw the NORDEUK++ international set from Gmk Wob is fairly good:
        Supported Languages:
        UK, British
        ISL, Icelandic
        NO, Norwegian
        SE, Swedish
        FL, Finnish
        FO, Faroese
        DK, Danish
        DE, Deutsch
        PT, Portuguese

        My personnal opinio: ALL international keycaps sets for ISO shpuld have these!!! Everyone wouldn’t mind paying a couple of euros extra for the full pack as it would serve everyone. A new standard like this would open us ISO-INTERNATIONAL users the whole spectrum of keycap sets currently only available for ANSI and UK, and sometimes Norde users.

        Do you agree with this statement?
        ThkU again!
        Looking forward for that Mega.

        • Alex4 years ago

          what about CH, Swiss ?

          • Julien Powell4 years ago

            will be looking into that too!

          • MARCO FONSECA4 years ago

            Those too 🙂

  • Attila Tamas5 years ago

    Greetings from Slovakia.

    First of all, thank you for the effort. Finding EU shops/developers/distributors for kits is hard. I think not many of the community know about you or it might have been just me who recently found out thanks to Candykeys, thanks David, anyway, really looking forward to this board and the hopefully lower than usual price.

    Im looking for my entry to the KB building hobby and as such I dont want to go all in straight from the start.

    As I found out my options are limited to EU stock or direct orders from china, but still hitting the 300EUR price or certainly higher for a full kit.

    Looking forward to more details and eventually ordering one.

    Aluminium: ✔
    65%: ✔
    QMK: ✔
    KIT: ✔

    Hopefully there will be an option to get the kit without switches/keycaps or with “wasabi”+PBT.

    Many thanks, all channels open for updates 🙂

    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      Hello Attila,

      Thank you for the kind message. So indeed we are working to keep the price as low as we can 🙂 We will be offering the switch with it too, but at the moment it looks like that the switch will be delayed to December where-as this keyboard will come at the end of November in stock.

      • Attila Tamas5 years ago

        Thank you for the update.

        I already ordered Zilent switches, so now I am waiting for the mega kit to be released so I can build my own. End of november sounds great.

      • Rob Hughes5 years ago

        Will this connect via Bluetooth or USB? Thanks

        • Julien Powell5 years ago

          USB for now, the certification for BT is a tough shot.

          • Ati5 years ago

            USB-C I hope, but anyway this is amazing from the updates. Hotswap, qmk, silent, premium quality.

            Cant wait to get my parts reserved.
            Body, pcb, plate, stabs, mute padding, no switches(ordered zilents), no caps.

            Thank you.

          • Matthew5 years ago

            If you need help with BT certification like UL or any of those I can be of service for free.

  • D H5 years ago

    Will it be ISO compatible?

    • Julien Powell5 years ago

      Yes it will be ISO compatible.
